Drama in Mahama, EC meeting | Policy


There was a tragedy at a meeting between officials of the Electoral Commission (EC) and ex-president John Dramani Mahama, who held yesterday at the commission's request for seek the support of former leaders for its activities.

While EC officials and leaders of the National Democratic Congress (CND) were coming out of an in camera meeting held at the office of the former president of East Cantonment in Accra, the secretary-general CND, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, was heard Jean Mensa, EC president, said that "you have stopped being fair", to which she (Ms. Mensa) questioned "How can anyone it being unfair there (CE)? "

Mr. Nketia's comment "You have ceased to be fair" suggested suggesting that Ms. Mensa was "fair" to all parties when she was the head of the Policy Think Tank – Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) – but has ceased to be "fair" to all parties as chairman of the EC.

Ms. Mensa repressed the sarcastic remark of the NDC guru before posing for a group photo with Mr. Mahama, Mr. Nketia, NDC President, Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, the former Minister of Communication, Mr. Edward Omane Boamah, among others.

Prior to the start of the meeting, the ex-president's trusted badistant, Stan Dogbe, forced the reporters to return their phones before entering the meeting room after all pleas were heard.

This development marks a clear break from the previous two meetings that the EC had with the former Presidents – Flt. Jerry John Rawlings and John Agyekum Kufuor – when reporters attended the meeting from beginning to end.

Mahama's concerns

At a first meeting attended by journalists before the closed session, Mahama urged the EC to ensure that the integrity of the 2020 general election is protected without no claim of fraud.

According to him, there were problems with the 2016 elections that needed to be resolved before the 2020 polls, stating that it was imperative to address these concerns to ensure that anyone would win in 2020 would be treated as the free expression of the will of the people of Ghana.

He also urged the EC to ensure the "trust" of stakeholders to create a level playing field for all stakeholders.

Acknowledging that he had worked alongside the President of the European Commission to help shape Ghana's democracy, Mr. Mahama encouraged Ms. Mensa to continue working in the same way that she did when she was working. she was at the IEA.

Ofosu-Ampofo Council

Ofosu-Ampofo, NDC national president in trouble, who in a video leak called for a "ruthless war" against Ms. Mensa, strangely told the EC that the contributions of stakeholders, especially political parties, were not meant to undermine the commission, but to support work.

He said that it was hurtful to sometimes realize that a contribution from a political party to improve the work of the commission is considered an act of undermining the EC.

For example, he stated that CND's proposal to the EC not to rely solely on the online registration process was in good faith and aimed at making the commission succeed "because if you succeed, the whole country succeeds ".

Search for help

Ms. Mensa told the ex-president that the purpose of their visit was among other things; seek support and partnership for the activities of the commission.

She added that this was also meant to bring the commission to the doors of the opposition NDC and to create a platform for dialogue.

Mahama badured the committee that the NDC, as a party, "would continue to play this vital role in strengthening our electoral process."

After the initial welcome, the ex-president urged reporters to leave the meeting room for a closed-door meeting of "heart to heart" with EC officials.

Security was enhanced during the meeting and the police were prevented from entering.

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