Drinking Matcha Tea Can Reduce Anxiety – ScienceDaily


Many countries have a tea culture and Japanese Matcha tea is gaining popularity around the world. In Japan, matcha has been used for a long time for various medicinal purposes. It is suspected that it has various beneficial effects on health, but relatively little scientific evidence supports this claim. At present, a group of Japanese researchers from Kumamoto University has shown that anxious behavior in mice was reduced after the consumption of Matcha powder or Matcha extract. Its calming effects appear to be due to the mechanisms that activate dopamine D1 receptors and serotonin 5-HT.1A receptors, both of which are closely related to anxiety behavior.

Matcha is the finely ground powder of new shade leaves (90% shade) Camellia Sinensis green tea bushes. Tea (and food flavorings) is appreciated around the world. In Japan, the historical medicinal uses of matcha included helping people relax, prevent obesity and treat skin conditions. The researchers therefore sought to determine its various beneficial effects.

The "Raised Plus Labyrinth" is a raised, raised platform with two walled arms that provide security for the subject, usually a mouse. It is used as an anxiety test in rodents on the premise that animals with high anxiety will spend more time in protected areas. With the help of this test, the researchers found that anxiety in the mouse was reduced after consuming Matcha powder or Matcha extract. In addition, when the anxiolytic activity of different extracts of Matcha was evaluated, a stronger effect was found with the extract derived from ethanol at 80% compared with the extract coming only from hot water. In other words, a slightly water soluble Matcha component has stronger anxiolytic effects than a readily water soluble component. Behavioral pharmacological badysis also revealed that matcha and matcha extracts reduced anxiety by activating dopamine D1 and serotonin 5-HT.1A receptors.

"Although further epidemiological research is needed, the results of our study show that matcha, used as a medicinal agent for many years, could be of great benefit to the human body," said Dr. Yuki Kurauchi of the study. "We hope that our research on matcha will have beneficial effects on health around the world."

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Material provided by Kumamoto University. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.

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