Drivers should park and sleep when they are tired – Inusah Fuseini


General News of Monday, March 25, 2019



Inusah Fuseini Citi Inusah Fuseini, MP Tamale Central

The Tamale Central MP, Alhaji Inusah Fuseini, advised transit drivers to park their vehicles if possible and take a nap if they were exhausted during a long trip.

According to him, this will limit the carnage on the roads of Ghana after expressing concern about why so many people are dying as a result of road accidents in Ghana.

"The government through the Ministry of Roads and Highways must regulate bus traffic on the roads in the evening. The drivers drive without stopping and they are tired, they do not rest. What causes accidents is mainly a human error. They have to park and sleep if they are tired, "he said in an interview with the morning show of" NEA FM, "Ghana Montie.

The former Minister of Roads and Roads commented three days after three separate road accidents – one in the eastern Bono area, the other in the Central region and the Accra road -Kumasi, have claimed the lives of nearly 75 people, including 35 burned beyond recognition.

Inusah Fuseini noted that some of the accidents could be avoided if the government imposes strict measures on our roads.

"There should be mandatory stops on our roads so that drivers can rest. The government should pbad a law. We can do it to at least limit these accidents, "he told the host Kwesi Aboagye.

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