Dry fasting from sunset to sunrise can improve your health on several levels. Read the benefits


Dry fasting from sunset to sunrise can improve your health on several levels.  Read the benefits

Dry fasting helps improve focus and the sleep cycle

Strong points

  • Dry Fasting Can Give You Many Benefits, Including Weight Loss
  • it can help you improve the health of skin and hair
  • You will also feel a decrease in cravings for sugar and caffeine.

If you are a fitness enthusiast, you may have seen or heard that fasting, in all its colors, is on the rise. But beware. Most of the fasting methods circulating on social media by novice fitness enthusiasts are nothing more than fads. To help you fast the right way, life coach Luke Coutinho spoke about “dry fasting” during a live Facebook session. According to him, fasting, if done right, is a holistic process to repair and restore the body to its health. A holistic approach is needed in order to ensure the best functioning of all organs and their interrelated functions within the body.

Dry Fasting: Know the Many Benefits Other Than Weight Loss

Luke’s dry fast challenge suggests avoiding food and water for 12 hours, from sunset to sunrise. To prepare for it, he suggests hydrating yourself throughout the day with 8 to 14 glasses of water, depending on your physical activity. Finish dinner at sunset or within an hour of sunset. Thereafter, avoid water and food until the next morning. For some, hunger and thirst may arise as a habitual response. But don’t indulge unless your health is failing. Even if you can’t get a good sleep the first night, which is a rare case, don’t give up. Continue this for five to six days in a row.

The benefits are many, as Luke says. Here are a few:

1. The cravings for sugar and caffeine decrease

2. Expect appetite to decrease, leading to weight loss

3. You would like to eat meals at regular intervals since you are training your body to cycle

4. Energy levels have increased.

5. Expect better clarity and focus

6. Meditation practices can improve

6. Skin and hair problems start to resolve themselves

7. It reduces inflammation levels, which helps patients with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions

Also read: Intermittent fasting: increased cravings and other side effects you can’t ignore

However, there are cases where this should not be followed. Luke suggests that you observe and listen to your body to understand whether dry fasting is working for or against you. For people with severe autoimmune system and thyroid gland problems, jumping on a 12-hour dry fast can be detrimental. So start with 8 hours and increase it according to the comfort level.

Also read: Weight loss: what is water fasting? Know the pros and cons of this unique diet

Luke’s recommendation is to be gentle with your system and find your niche that best helps your body and mind.

(Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach – Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine)

Disclaimer: This content, including the tips, provides generic information only. It does not in any way replace qualified medical advice. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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