Dwight Yorke wants point deductions for racist incidents | Football News


"Managers must make very difficult decisions. We found that fines were not enough "

Last updated: 27/03/19 12:50


According to Dwight Yorke, point deductions and prohibitions are a better way to combat racist incidents.

According to Dwight Yorke, point deductions and prohibitions are a better way to combat racist incidents.

Former Manchester United striker, Dwight Yorke, said that a harsher action was needed against the authors of racism.

Yorke wants to see racism eliminated from the sport and thinks that deductions and points points, rather than fines, are the way to tackle the problem.

English players were victims of racist abuse during the 5-1 win in Montenegro on Monday and UEFA opened disciplinary proceedings.

Yorke, who played for Aston Villa and United in the Premier League, does not think financial penalties go far enough in such cases.

"I think a fine is not enough," Yorke said. "I think we've made progress over the years in terms of racism, but it's definitely back.

Raheem Sterling celebrates its mark in Montenegro on Monday

Raheem Sterling celebrates its mark in Montenegro on Monday

"It's something we have to eliminate from our sport and the only way to do it is to make some very difficult decisions.

"Money is not a problem, we need point deductions, you know, get these [racist] the guys banished games.

"I think officials have to make very, very difficult decisions, and we found that fines were not enough."

Meanwhile, Yorke has benefited from the impressive revival of his former club Manchester United in recent months and agrees that interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer deserves a lot of credit.

"He has done a remarkable job, a job of which we are all very proud," Yorke said.

"He brought that identity back to the football club and we play great things, we win football games and that's what counts.

"He still has eight games to play, and hopefully he will continue in the same vein of winning football matches, and that a decision will be made as to his (management) career."

Dwight Yorke and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer (right) were part of the triple Manchester United

Dwight Yorke and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer (right) were part of the triple Manchester United

United will face Barcelona in the quarter-finals of the Champions League next month and Yorke thinks he's got a chance to overthrow the Spanish giants.

"It's a team we know very well," he said.

"We were successful against them, but we were also recipients, so in my opinion we have a 50% chance.

"It's all about the day and staying tied for the second leg."

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