Dwyane Wade "Curse" hits the players who traded jerseys with him


  • Dwyane Wade traded jerseys with opposing players during his last NBA season.
  • Thanks to a wild off season, a shocking number of jerseys received by Wade over the course of the year are already out of date, with some fans on Twitter calling it a "curse".
  • Wade joked about the trend on Twitter, claiming that his collection was "rather illegal" because of all the player moves that occurred.
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Dwyane Wade took advantage of his last season in the NBA, turning the year into a retirement tour, earning praise for his phenomenal career from opposing players and crowds.

One of the aspects of this tour that has gained momentum during the season has been the swapping of jerseys with opponents on the field after the matches. Wade would swap jerseys with former teammates, promising stars, intense rivals and, occasionally, young players who idolized him while perfecting their own game.

Read more: Dwyane Wade surprised a little-known rookie guard who grew up adoring him with a post-match jersey swap

By the end of the season, Wade had collected a whole collection. But, as some NBA fans have noticed on Twitter, a shocking number of jerseys that he has acquired is already obsolete, thanks to one of the most unreasonable memories of recent years.

According to ESPN, Wade traded sweaters with more than three dozen players throughout the year and at least 18 players whose jerseys he has received will play for a new team when the season begins this fall.

Some on Twitter have described this trend as a "curse", with Wade's jersey apparently coming in one-way out of town.

The trend became so important that Wade himself had to fix the problem on Twitter.

Wade's collection may have gone vintage a little earlier than planned, but it only makes the jerseys he has acquired more emblematic.

And if he has any interest in updating his collection, he will always have the chance to decide to return in mid-season in January.

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