E / R: A 24-year-old trader murdered


Police in the Eastern Region are looking for the murder of a 24-year-old trader from the New Juaben South Township in the Eastern Region.

The body of the deceased was found in a bush behind Abrewa-Nkwanta.

According to police, the victim Afia Pokua was killed Wednesday on the way to the market.

His body has since been deposited at the St Joseph government hospital pending his autopsy.

DSP Ebenezer Tetteh, of the East Region Police PRO, said that the deceased appeared to have battled her attackers because there were visible signs of violence on her.

"The attackers are still on the run. We have not arrested anyone at this time. The whole act was committed in the evening. She would have gone to the market where she would sell. At the end of the work, while she was returning home and she was approached by the attackers. The body was found the next day. We were called and when we visited the scene, we saw traces of violence on the body. The jeans that she wore had been slightly lowered … We are still hunting for the perpetrators of the crime. It looks like she's battling with her attackers before her untimely death. We can not say exactly the number of people but we are very sure that it is not a single person.

A bag that the victim was carrying was stolen by his attackers.


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