Easter: Judas Teaches Us to Always Return to God for His Mercy – Joyce Aryee


Reverend Dr. Joyce Aryee speaking at the morning show on Easter Friday

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The Executive Director of The ministries of salt and light urged Christians to live above reproach and seek God's mercy when they fail to live properly.

Ms. Joyce Aryee, who spoke about JoyNews' AM Show on Easter Friday, added that Christians are born of God and have the spirit of God to reflect the character and personality of Christ.

She was talking back from the Easter festivities, which began on Thursday.

During this season, Christians around the world commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples and his crucifixion at the hands of the Romans, about 2,000 years ago, in Calvary.

It was on this occasion that Judas Iscariot, one of his 12 disciples, betrayed him with a kiss to signal the Roman soldiers to stop him.

But, putting Judas' actions into perspective, Ms. Aryee stated that Judas was under the mistaken badumption that Christ, as king of the Jews, would reign after the order of the earthly kings.

"Judas belongs to those who wanted Jesus to be an earthly Messiah – Someone who fights the Romans and brings physical redemption. He did not realize that Jesus was going to be a lamb of God to kill, "she told Kojo Yankson, host of the AM show.

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Ms. Aryee argued that the death of Jesus Christ had a much greater spiritual significance than her literal interpretation.

"He was a sacrificial lamb and did what all the lamps do," going to the slaughter to be killed unhindered.

According to Ms. Aryee, Judas' subsequent regrets and actions that rendered the money he got by betraying his master should teach every Christian the lesson of not remaining in sin but seeking repentance when he is found guilty.

"That's why later he [Judas] said that "I betrayed an innocent man" and he took over the 30 coins. No matter what terrible things we do, we can always come back to God and ask to be forgiven, "she said.

The excuse that the error is human should not be the chorus of the Christian, said Ms. Aryee.

"We are not vulnerable and we must not let sin go in. We must take deliberate steps to live for Christ, we now have the power to do what is right."

According to her, far from believing that the Christian is infallible, Christians must make a daily effort to live well and with the help of God, it will become much easier with time.

She quoted 1 John 2: 1 to support her claim.

"My dear children, I write this so that you do not sin. But if anyone sin, we have an advocate with the Father – Jesus Christ, the righteous. "

Watch the entire interview here:

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