Eating More Of These Foods May Add Five Years To Your Life, New Study Finds


Omega-3 fatty acids have been highlighted repeatedly for the role they play in improving heart health, reducing inflammation, and controlling weight gain. These kinds of effects not only give you a better quality of life, they could also give you a longer one.

A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that people who have more of these fatty acids in their blood tend to live up to five years longer than those who do not. To come to this conclusion, the researchers looked at data from 2,240 people over the age of 65 who were part of a long-term health outcomes study. They found that even a small 1% difference between these groups made a difference.

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“This reinforces the idea that small changes in diet can have a much more powerful effect than we think,” says study author Aleix Sala-Vila, Ph.D., at the Institute of research on fatty acids and at the Medical Research Institute of Hospital del Mar. in Spain. “In fact, in this study, we found that omega-3 levels can be as much a predictor of longevity as smoking.”

Micheile Henderson / Unsplash

In the same way that tobacco consumption has been shown to shorten life, he says, the level of omega-3 could be taken as an indicator of its prolongation. Although the study only looked at people over 65, that doesn’t mean you have to wait until retirement is over to reap the benefits of this particular fatty acid, he adds. Previous research indicating that it has a protective effect on your health means it’s never too early to start.

The biggest benefit is the reduction in inflammation, says Kim Rose-Francis, RDN, a dietitian-nutritionist specializing in diabetes. Eating omega-3 foods like salmon, flaxseed, halibut, tuna, mackerel, and chia seeds can help control inflammation in the body, she suggests.

“Inflammation is a normal process, as a defense mechanism that the body uses to protect itself,” explains Rose-Francis. “Unfortunately, when there is excessive or unresolved inflammation, it can lead to the development of chronic disease.”

Eating a diet rich in omega-3s can help put out that fire, she adds. Another great source of fatty acids? High quality dark chocolate. Who knew that the little treat could potentially promote longevity.

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