Eating this food could reduce blood sugar levels – Brinkwire


A balanced diet can reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, in this case a food that can lower blood sugar levels.

According to the NHS, type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes an increase in blood sugar levels.

Common symptoms include excessive thirst, frequent urination, and rapid weight loss.

Fortunately for patients, there are several ways to reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

An important factor is to follow a healthy and balanced diet and to adopt an exercise regime.

We talked to Anshu Kaura, a pharmacy pharmacist at LloydsPharmacy, who revealed a food that could reduce type 2 diabetes.

"The diet is simple to follow and perfect for the hottest months"

Anshu Kaura

She told Daily Star Online: "The Mediterranean diet targets three key risk factors for people with type 2 diabetes: blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.

"A number of studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of diet, including its ability to prevent diabetes, improve glycemic control and reduce cardiovascular complications.

"The diet is simple to follow and perfect for the hottest months. A Mediterranean diet should be rich in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, cereals, grains, fish and unsaturated fats such as olive oil. "

An element of the Mediterranean diet that can have beneficial effects on health is the consumption of oily fish.

Ashnu explained, "It is recommended to include at least two servings of fish (one of which should be oily) in your weekly diet. Fatty fish, like salmon, are rich in vitamins and minerals and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps maintain a healthy heart and a cholesterol level.

"High blood pressure is often badociated with type 2 diabetes, where hypertension and type 2 diabetes increase the risk of heart problems. Oily fish also often contain rich sources of vitamin D, and many people with type 2 diabetes have lower vitamin D levels.

"It is thought that vitamin D can increase the insulin sensitivity of the body, help reduce insulin resistance and keep blood sugar under control."

But Ashnu strongly recommends eating a balanced diet to reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

As the NHS says, following a healthy diet and staying active will help you manage your blood sugar.

The website said: "It will also help you control your weight and feel better overall."

What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

1. Piss more than usual, especially at night

2 To be thirsty all the time

3 Feeling very tired

4 Lose weight without trying to

5 Itching around your bads or thrush thrush several times

6 Cuts or wounds that take longer to heal

7. Blurred vision

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