Eating this inflammatory diet can double your risk of cancer


Chronic inflammation has been linked to a number of potential long-term health problems, including autoimmune problems and cancer development. Diet plays an important role in the response to inflammation, as foods like red meat and refined sugar are major pro-inflammatory sources in diets. A new study warns that following an inflammatory diet doubles the risk of developing one of the most common cancers in the world.

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The study was conducted by researchers from several institutions in Spain, where they studied the effects of an inflammatory diet on cancer risk. In this case, the scientists considered that a diet was "inflammatory" if it contained red meats, processed meats, refined carbohydrates, trans fatty acids and / or saturated fatty acids.

The team found that the use of this type of diet had a profound effect on the risk of bad cancer and colorectal cancer, especially the latter, whose risk was twice as high in these people. Globally, colorectal cancer is the fourth most important cancer, behind bad, prostate and lung cancer, although the exact order depends on the source.

According to the researchers, the risk of a pro-inflammatory diet was not as important for bad cancer, although it is still proven that chronic inflammation can affect cancer development. However, and fortunately, individuals at risk can change their diet to eliminate these pro-inflammatory foods and replace them with healthy and beneficial alternatives.

The researchers suggest that the Mediterranean diet, which has been badociated with positive health effects in a number of previous studies, is a better alternative to these unhealthy foods. This type of diet includes vegetables, fruits, nuts, healthy oils and whole grains, as well as fish; red meat is often excluded or consumed in very small quantities in this diet.

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