EC Boss wants to "secretly" give voters' register database to Ghanaian company – Asiedu Nketia


General News on Wednesday, May 29, 2019



JOHNSON ASIEDU NKETIA2 NDC Secretary General, Asiedu Nketia

The secretary general of the main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia, said that the president of the electoral commission (EC), Mrs. Jean Mensa, had already prepared documents to transmit the base voter registration data to a Ghanaian. Business.

According to him, Jean Mensa is only giving a weak excuse saying that the country is not ready to hand over its sovereignty to a foreign company to run the Ghana Register of Electors database, so that it does not make any sense. it can gain ultimate control of the voters' register. .

Speaking on FM's morning show Ade Akye Abia, Hon. Asiedu Nketia claimed that the boss of the European Commission had asked a Ghanaian company to take over the work of the STL to manage the voters' register database.

"As we speak, she went to look for a Ghanaian company and the people who run it have political affiliations. She wants to cancel the STL agreement and hand over the key to a Ghanaian company to manage the voters' register database without any discussion with the political parties, "he said.

He wondered how political parties can trust the words of the Electoral Commission (EC) that nobody can rig election results in 2020, while the president's ways show the opposite.

"You are about to do it and yet you want to trust us in the system so that no one can change the outcome of the election, so every time she speaks, she lets herself be criticized. … the subject she is talking about is a sovereign and independent country while a foreign company controls our output and that the entry of our database is false.

"She has already prepared documents to transmit the voter register database to a Ghanaian company and that is why she does not want Ghanaians to see. If it has the conscience to make the electoral process transparent, free and fair, why does it not allow us to really know what is going on, to think and to make decisions together? Asked Asiedu Nketia.

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