EC must be supported to deliver


Several years after the beginning of the Fourth Republic and the holding of seven presidential and legislative elections, as well as countless polls at the level of political parties, districts and localities, many Ghanaians still see the Electoral Commission (EC) with a certain degree of suspicion.

Concerns expressed by part of the public opinion stem from statements by political actors about the work of the commission, which suggests that the EC can alter election results as it pleases and whims, despite countless badurances to the contrary of the commission.

Since the entry into force of the 1992 Constitution, there have been no general elections in which no party has accused others of rigging the polls.

Recognizing this need and the need to ensure the impartiality of the EC in electoral matters for Ghanaians and other stakeholders, the Commission took the initiative, a few months ago, to involve its main stakeholders in aiming to bring its action closer to the citizens.

The initiative was appropriate, especially after the difficulties the Commission was facing recently under its current leadership, particularly with the violence that characterized the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election.

To date, EC leaders have visited Graphic Communications Group Limited and other news organizations and held consultations with former Presidents of the Territories to hear their concerns and issues regarding the operation of the Commission.

With what the Daily Graphic has seen so far, it is clear that the consultations are continuing and that the Committee is taking this opportunity to inform the public of its current activities and its prospects for the future.

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One thing that strikes in their visits to former Presidents is the expression of confidence in the EC's ability to organize free, fair and credible elections.

From past Presidents John Jerry Rawlings to John Agyekum Kufuor and John Dramani Mahama, the chorus is the roadmap of EC President Jean Mensa.

It is in unison that the chair of the commission is able to successfully oversee the country's electoral activities, all citing her effective leadership at the Institute of Economic Affairs of which she was the executive director.

If nothing at all, we believe that the testimony of these three prominent former Ghanaian leaders should give Ghanaians confidence that the EC will ensure the interests of all parties and that we must provide the officials with support and badistance. the respect they deserve in the performance of their duties. mandate.

Nowadays it is common to hear people, especially political leaders, take firm positions and severely criticize EC leaders, which fuels people's perception of the bias of the commission. We therefore call on all categories of groups, especially political parties, to criticize the work of the EC so that their action does not give their supporters a false impression of the commission.

This does not mean that the EC and its leaders should not be criticized in the exercise of their mandate; we insist only that these criticisms must be constructive and free of insults and personal attacks.

The Daily Graphic also urges the EC to take constructive criticism in good faith and use it to improve its operations in the interest of the country's democracy. After all, the wise say that whoever beats the path does not know that the back is crooked.

We hope that by the end of these consultations, the commission would not only have opened its doors and opened its operations to Ghanaians, but would have also gained considerable knowledge and experience from stakeholders to help them achieve the best possible performance. .

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