EC to establish new voters register for 2020 elections | Policy


The Electoral Commission has announced that it will establish a new register of voters before the presidential and legislative elections of 2020.

The decision was taken Wednesday at a meeting of the Inter-party Advisory Committee (IPAC), which also decided to organize a limited number of new voters organized by the EC in May, in anticipation of the upcoming elections and the referendum at the district level.

The EC said that the limited registration exercise would take place in all district officers of the country.

A statement from the European Commission said that "the Commission will establish a new register of voters ahead of the presidential and legislative elections of 2020", without giving details about the date at which the exercise will take place.

After lengthy deliberation between the political parties, it was agreed that district and referendum elections would be held on the same day in the last quarter of 2019.

The calendar and road map for district level elections, referendum and other activities of the Commission will be made public during the first week of April this year.

At the same time, the EC announced that it had begun to inspect the offices of political parties across the country and that a "full report on the findings of the inspection would be made available stakeholders by the end of May 2019 ".

With regard to the audited accounts of political parties, the EC has published the report in accordance with the requirements of the law since 21 March this year, while noting that most of the audited accounts submitted by parties did not meet international standards. .

In this perspective, the Commission has decided to develop a draft constitutional instrument to regulate and streamline the format of financial reports and audited accounts of political parties.

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