ECG and PDS dispel rumors of imminent dumsor


General News of Monday, July 15, 2019



PDS ECG Logos Photo file

Power Distribution Services (PDS) and the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) have urged the public to cool down to fears of impending power outages due to electricity producers' debts.

In a joint statement, the two institutions sought to dispel the threat of the CIPDIB (CIPDIB) that the debt could force its members to stop supplying the distributors.

"It will be remembered that on March 1, 2019, ECG, with the support of the government and other key public institutions, successfully transferred its distribution and retail activities to the PDS with the aim of improving the efficiency of the energy distribution sector.

"We want to badure the general public that ECG, PDS and the PPIs maintain very good working relations during this transition period and address various challenges that are not unusual in such transitional arrangements," said the joint statement published in full. below, explained.

Last week, CIPDIB warned of possible power outages if PDS did not settle the debts incurred during the following week.

Elikplim Kwabla Apetorgbor, President and CEO of CIPDIB, urged the government, through the Ministry of Energy, to force PDS to expressly pay all the bills accumulated to the IPPs within seven days.

The statement also urged the government to oblige PDS not only to pay its debts to the PPIs, but also to pay interest on all late bills that the PPIs could have used wisely.

The public relations director of the Energy Distribution Service (PDS) had previously denied claims that the service owed huge sums to independent power producers for their power.

Speaking at Joy FM's Super Morning Show, William Boateng also denied allegations that PDS would not have met its financial obligations to independent service providers since taking over of electricity distribution by the Ghana Electricity Company in March 2019.

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