Eczema: A woman spent $ 50,000 on treatments to cure "excruciating" pain


Vicki Layton had a perfect life, but an extremely worrying skin condition destroyed her happiness in the blink of an eye.

The 41-year-old Brisbane woman was active, working full-time as a registered nurse, exercising daily, seeing close friends at weekends and even playing volleyball. competition ball.

"I worked very hard, I had very high standards for myself, my work and my future achievements," Vicki said.

Her life seemed to be fulfilled until the morning of 2010 when she awoke to a strange skin rash that lay on her belly.

This little red rash would cost Vicki up to $ 50,000 in treatment, whereas she had been fighting for almost a decade against excruciating pain, sleepless nights and crippling loneliness.

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Vicki worked hard and lived an active life before her eczema developed. Source: provided

"I will never forget this morning"

The day that Vicki discovered for the first time that rashes were etched in her memory, a moment impossible to forget.

"I worked in the morning and woke up around 4:30," she said.

Shuffling to get dressed after a morning coffee, Vicki suddenly noticed a "raised red rash" on her abdomen.

She explained that she had stayed out the day before to prune the trees and mow the lawn. She attributed this to a simple allergic reaction to something in her garden.

"I left the door of work to stop thinking about anything," she said.

"I had no idea how much my life was going to change."

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Vicki's rashes spread rapidly throughout his body, including his arms and legs. Source: provided

Life goes off

In the days that followed, Vicki became increasingly worried as the extremely itchy rash spread from her belly to her legs and directly between her arms.

"I tried all the over-the-counter solutions and solutions I could find, but I could not do anything to put myself at ease," she said.

As the mysterious skin condition spread quickly over Vicki's body, she quickly began to affect her daily routine, ranging from sleep to exercise to social life.

Vicki was unable to focus on anything around her because of the itching and pain.

"I could not find clothes that would not irritate my skin anymore," she said.

"Life has started to move away from me."

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Vicki's rashes spread from his belly to his arms and soon also between his legs. Source: provided

Hit the rock bottom

Despite all the diets, Internet stuff and miracle cream available, Vicki's condition was getting worse day by day.

The rash had still spread – taking on his chest and face – and was becoming infected and inflamed.

Finally, after 12 months of self-medication, she was hospitalized after a friend found her to collapse on the floor of her house, completely confused and suffering from such high temperatures. that she was "in a delirium".

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Vicki's entire body was ravaged by the mysterious rash. Source: provided

The diagnosis

Vicki was taken to the hospital, where stunned doctors discovered that her damaged skin had torn into the bones of her heels and clavicle, resulting in serious bone infection.

"I did not understand the condition I had until I became seriously ill," she said.

After getting over her horror ordeal, Vicki was diagnosed with eczema.

This diagnosis made Vicki even more determined than ever to get rid of his eczema and "finally find relief."

She has tried steroids, light therapy three times a week, lotions, pills, diets and radical treatments, without her symptoms being relieved.

Vicki was even lying in tubs filled with bleach or potbadium, some of which were excruciating.

"I always wake up in panic and struggle to catch my breath after living these days in my dreams," she said.

It is estimated that Vicki spent more than $ 50,000 in treatment just to relieve himself a little less.

"I feel so stupid to spend so much money … but when you suffer so long and tirelessly, it's hard not to want to believe you've finally found a cure," she said.

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Vicki has tried every lotion, pill, treatment and steroid available to her. Source: provided

Sleep was simply impossible

One of the most vital biological functions to keep us alive, sleep quickly became impossible for Vicki.

Her skin was so raw, torn, swollen and painful that she was not able to lie on her back for about three years.

"I slept sitting cross-legged on the floor, head on the coffee table, or I tried to sleep in the tub," Vicki said.

"I did not have friends and no life outside my house"

Unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel, Vicki fell back on herself, avoiding friends and family and preferring to isolate herself from the harsh world of judgment.

"My face and body were constantly crying and crying, so I pulled out of the world," she said.

"I did not have friends and no life outside my house, where I lived alone."

Her mental health also deteriorated and the desire she had to have human connections was almost unbearable.

She believed that her dreams of getting married, having children and seeing her career take flight "were now lost."

"I was so engrossed in my illness that there was hardly any time for anything other than trying to breathe despite the itching and stealing some sleep," she said. she declared.

At one point, Vicki's symptoms became so hot that she told her nurse that she "just wanted to die."

"I prayed so long for relief of itching, but I had the impression that my prayers had never been answered," she said.

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Vicki has finally found happiness with her new husband, Michael. Source: provided

"For the first time, I had someone to hear me"

Finally, after 10 years of silent suffering, Vicki has finally had access to a new form of eczema medication that can relieve unbearable itching and allow her to get enough sleep every night.

She was able to return to day shifts – which she had been forced to lose because of her exhaustion – and found a support group with whom she could share her story.

After a decade in the shadows, Vicki began visiting Eczema Support Australia, where she quickly met "other people who thought they were alone, too.

"For the first time, I had someone to hear … we are now and together we are strong," she said.

Melanie Funk, executive director of Australia's Eczema Support Australia, said Vicki's story was "sadly familiar to people with eczema."

"For too long, they have suffered physical and emotional trauma because they have rejected the disease, sought a miracle cure or simply have no one to turn to," Melanie said.

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Vicki met and married an "incredibly positive man" last year. Source: provided

Revive the beautiful life

Vicki always has eczema all over her body and works every day to prevent her condition from turning into a serious infection.

"My goal is to be good enough to sleep all night and then be able to work five days a week," she said.

"This, for me, sounds like a good life."

Although every day is always a battle for Vicki, she has finally found happiness and love.

Vicki met and fell in love with Michael. The couple is married last September.

"We have a great relationship"

"Although he is always there to support me, I badure myself that I do not put him in the role of caregiver.

"It's my illness … and it's important to focus as much as you can on other aspects of my life and the life we ​​are building together."

She added that although eczema is a disease that everyone had heard of, many did not understand how serious it could be.

"For many, this disease is permanent and debilitating and, like any other chronic disease, people who suffer from it need support," she said.

If you or someone you know needs support in the event of a crisis or suicide prevention, please call Lifeline at 13 11 14 or visit

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