Eden Hazard is a similar opponent to Lionel Messi said Solskjaer


Although denied the opportunity to test against Neymar after the Brazilian was removed from Paris Saint-Germain by injury, the fact that United has already crossed the path with Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylian Mbappe in the League of this season's champions makes useless to be afraid of the impact of the Argentine legend Messi.

"You know, I can not identify myself to have the skills that he has," Ole said, when asked by MUTV how, as an attacker, he evaluated Messi. "He's so far away from what I was as a player because he's anime when he's in and around the surface and has the ball."

"He has a low sense of gravity and balance, which is unique, but, again, we played against Mbappe and Ronaldo in the Champions League.These are different types of players but we played against Hazard and he's the same guy, he's from the right and Messi will be from the left, but we've had some training and we know what we're doing, but I can not say there's a lot of better players than him in the world right now."

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