Elon Musk fights with Pablo Escobar's brother on Twitter


The latest issue of Elon Musk's Twitter is targeting an unlikely suspect.

On Thursday, Tesla's CEO kicked off in online drama when TMZ announced that Roberto Escobar, brother of the infamous drug pioneer, Pablo Escobar, had accused Musk of stealing his idea of ​​spear -flammes.

"This is not a flamethrower, Mr. Escobar," the billionaire tweeted with a link to the story.

According to TMZ, the "Elon guy" was in Colombia in 2017, when he saw a miniature flame thrower belonging to the Escobars. A little later, in January 2018, Musk announced that The Boring Company would sell flamethrowers to raise funds for its tunnel projects.

After selling the products, which spit flames but do not look like flamethrowers, and who collected $ 2 million, Musk has changed course. In order to legally sell the product, the name – and the address of the website – have been changed to "not a flamethrower", which brings us to Thursday's weird Twitter interaction.

But calling the flamethrower's incendiary toys and, later, going back is far from the first time that The Boring Company is radically changing speed. Despite protests from experts in all areas, Mr. Musk claimed that he had found a way to cheaper tunnels than anyone else was ever able to, while reducing traffic with a network of tunnels.

This plan, at least for the moment, has been distilled into a small tunnel inside the Las Vegas Convention Center, which will transport visitors from one side to the other. space dedicated to events.

Meanwhile, people who have paid thousands of dollars for a non-solder pitcher on occasion are setting fire to things, as they did almost instantly when the product was put on sale.

As for Roberto Escobar? According to a Vice report published in 2014, he still runs the cartel house in Medellin and also cures AIDS by studying horses … maybe.

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