Elon Musk highlights Tesla's plan to adapt cars to stand-alone driving with the new HW3 computer


Tesla is currently preparing its largest modernization program to date and is new to the industry: updating hundreds of thousands of vehicles with a new computer to support autonomous driving capability.

CEO Elon Musk now clarifies Tesla's plans.

As we have already mentioned, Tesla is working on an important new product that it believes will enable them to offer their vehicles the ability to drive independently: a new artificial intelligence chip, or "neural network accelerator ", Which will be released in the 3.0 computer upgrade autopilot.

Last year, Pete Bannon, Tesla's smart architect in charge of the project, announced that he was intensifying his manufacturing efforts and wanted to start production of the Autopilot Hardware 3 computer by the end of the first quarter of 2019.

We are now at the end of the first quarter and Musk is beginning to clarify Tesla's plan for the deployment of the new computer.

It should first end up in new vehicles, but current owners are also waiting for the modernization program.

He said about the improvements on Twitter today (FSD stands for "Full Self-Driving"):

"Anyone who has bought the complete self-driving will get the free computer update from the FSD. This is the only change between the HW2.5 and HW3 autopilot. In the future, "HW3" will simply call FSD computer, which is accurate. No modification of the sensors of the vehicle or the wiring harness required. It's very important. "

In another tweet, Musk said Tesla would only start upgrading when the software caught up with the hardware.

He explained on Twitter:

The upgrades will begin when our software will be able to take a significant advantage from the much better Tesla FSD computer. At the moment, it is slightly disadvantageous to have a Tesla FSD computer, because our software is more sophisticated for HW2.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 30, 2019

As for the new computer that is making its way into the new cars in production, rumors have been running recently that it would already be in the new cars, but this has still not been confirmed.

We reported earlier this month that Tesla had updated its language on self-driving on its website to give the impression that the new material was actually in new cars.

Electrek's Take

It's logical. Tesla is currently optimizing Autopilot software for the current hardware. It is therefore logical that it will take some time to adapt the software to the new HW3 / FSD computer and take full advantage of the new computing power.

I would not be surprised if Tesla is already starting to install the computer in new vehicles, but their production may not be enough to support the approximately 7,000 vehicles a week they currently produce.

But the upgrade program is even more interesting since Tesla will have to exchange a large number of computers, especially after the recent DSD rebate, which has likely prompted many Tesla owners to order the FSD package.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below.

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