Elvis Afriyie Ankrah says the NPP is still in the countryside, still comparing


The new ruling Patriotic Party (NPP) has been accused of putting Ghanaians in financial trouble after tipping the economy.

According to the Electoral Director of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, the government led by Akufo-Addo has failed to advance Ghana's development as government members complain a lot.

"It's too cheap for a nuclear power station. When they were in opposition, they were constantly discussing and discerning about useless issues and now we have given you power and you are still complaining. I think the NPP is still in the mood of his campaign. We always complain and we compare their term, "he told Ekosi Sen of Asempa FM station on Thursday.

According to him, the inefficiency of the government in the management of state affairs has pushed citizens to demand the return of the NDC to put Ghana back on the path of development.

Speaking on the sudden drop of the cedi, former former government minister John Mahama said that Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, vice president of the country's economic management team, said in a statement. country, had not kept its election promise before the 2016 elections to stabilize. the cedi against the dollar if the NPP was elected to power.

He urged the government to admit that he had failed to turn the economy around, to build investor confidence and maintain the stability of the local currency, the cedi.

In addition, the government will set up a bipartite committee to investigate the depreciation of the cedi recently, said Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta.

Mr Ofori-Atta said Thursday in front of the European Parliament: "Mr President, the President has asked me to investigate the structural causes of the cedi's depreciation and to propose measures to remedy to the situation.

"The Governor and I are going to set up a bipartite committee to proceed immediately," he said.


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