EOCO launches seven employees | General News 2019-07-11


General News of Thursday, July 11, 2019

Source: primenewsghana.com


Eoco 111 Economic and Organized Crime Bureau logo

The Office for Combating Organized and Economic Crime, EOCO, has fired seven workers for extortion and conflict of interest over the past two years.

Frank Adu Poku, executive director of EOCO, explained that the dismissal was part of an ongoing "house cleaning" exercise aimed at eliminating questionable staff from the outfit.

Speaking at a stakeholder engagement on EOCO's activities, organized under the theme: Combating organized crime in Ghana, a shared responsibility, the EOCO official said that the exercise would also help reduce public perception of corruption at EOCO.

"Between 2017 and 2018, seven officers were removed from office for extortion and conflict of interest, and three of them are currently banned for various offenses," said Mr Poku.

He added that EOCO should strengthen its engagement with the media and the general public in a spirit of transparency.

Speaking to the same program, Attorney General Gloria Akuffo asked EOCO to strike a balance between the demand for information and what is disseminated, as it tends to compromise investigations.

She cited the example of the three abducted girls from Takoradi.

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