Ethereum on a positive note, will the ETH impact the market capitalization of Bitcoin at the end of 2019?

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Bitcoin and Ethereum have been at the top of the market capitalization for some time now, even though Bitcoin is the first major cryptocurrency invented in the world of digital badets and has been so far. Ethereum and Bitcoin both operate on blockchain technology. Bitcoin's blockchain follows the owner's digital currency, bitcoins, but Ethereum focuses more on executing the program code of any distributed application. In the Ethereum blockchain, miners exploit only ether and not bitcoins.

Ethereum is an open and public blockchain distributed on a computer platform and operating system with intelligent contract function. Ethereum has its currency generated on the Ether platform, like Bitcoin, it is bought and sold online by investors and traders. its blockchain is a place that focuses on the existence of dapps. Most people know Ethereum only as the second most popular cryptocurrency to date.

People see Ethereum having a high potential to overtake Bitcoin in the crypto market. The question here is what is so special about Ethereum? Well, I'm happy to tell you. That's the technology behind that. Ethereum is a general ledger technology used by companies to develop new programs. It is more robust, which is great for innovations.

Ethereum is supported by Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. This group consists of companies that have agreed to create and support Ethereum blockchain technology, known as intelligent contract technology. Ethereum is able to process and impact IoT projects that offer an open door to innovations such as Chronicled, my company, etc., in order to leverage Ethereum technology. "width =" 800 "height =" 550 "srcset =" 800w, https : // 300w, 5-768x528.png 768w, 100w, 2019/03 / chart-1-5-218x150.png 218w, 436w, https: // zycrypto. com / wp-content / uploads / 2019/03 / chart-1-5-610x419.png 610w "sizes =" (maximum width: 800px) 100vw, 800px

In crypto space, bitcoin is the main piece since its invention. Most cryptocurrencies are compared to Bitcoin. Ethereum, for example, has its own chain of blocks and its own price. But as far as market prices are concerned, Bitcoin remains the market leader.

The goal of Bitcoin is to store a value in the form of a digital currency. That's why, every time we think of an investment, we think of the first big cryptocurrency that is bitcoin because of its brand image. Well, it's not bad.

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, bitcoin and Ethereum have their own goals and roles that make them unique to each other. Since Ethereum is a disruptive technology compared to cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is a disruptive cryptocurrency.

There are many scientific differences and similarities between the Bitcoin and Ethereum platforms, but for now, they may seem identical. In addition, these similarities and differences can become more apparent and affect their trajectories.

Even though Ethereum is very interested in "cryptocurrency technology," Bitcoin continues to dominate the crypto market. Now the question is whether Ethereum will be close to the market capitalization of Bitcoin in 2019 with all the impressive technology behind it all. Well, it's up to you to decide based on the information above.

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