EU plans to close Chinese companies to 5G networks: report


The European Union is considering proposals that would in fact constitute a de facto ban on Huawei Technologies Co.'s equipment for next-generation mobile phone networks, Reuters reported, citing four senior government officials. ; EU.

Although the efforts of the European executive are still at the very beginning steps and may prove complicated to implement, this initiative marks a shift in the EU's position in the face of growing security concerns from China to the West.

According to the four EU officials, the European Commission is considering amending a 2016 cyber security law, which would require companies involved in critical infrastructure to take appropriate security measures.

By changing the definition of critical infrastructure to also include fifth-generation mobile phone networks, the law will effectively prevent EU companies from using such equipment provided by a country or company suspected of being in business. Use to spy on or sabotage, officials said.

Other changes may also be required or made, such as changes to public procurement rules, added the officials.

Officials pointed out that any change concerned only one company and was motivated by broader national security concerns regarding China.

The United States will probably welcome the decision to exclude Chinese companies such as Huawei, which are trying to prevent US companies from buying Huawei's infrastructure equipment and inciting their allies to do the same.

US security experts fear that the Chinese government will use the machine as spying, a concern that Huawei calls baseless.

A spokeswoman for Huawei said, "Huawei is open and committed to working with the European institutions to develop a cyber security standard for Europe. "

The company's opening of a new cybersecurity center in Brussels in March underlines its commitment to Europe, she added.

"Huawei has a proven track record in cybersecurity," said the spokesperson. Huawei denied accusations of espionage and sabotage.

The Chinese government has denied any intention of spying on the West and has described as unfounded the ban hitting Chinese 5G suppliers in the United States and Australia.

Chinese Ambbadador to the EU, Zhang Ming, held a similar message at a private meeting at the Commission with European Information Technology Commissioner Andrus Ansip, January 29, stating that Huawei should not be blocked from 5G auctions in Europe, said one of the four officials.

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