Europe and the United Kingdom in crisis mode after the third Brexit defeat organized by Theresa May


Brussels convened an emergency summit after UK legislators rejected Prime Minister Theresa May – Brexit's plan for the third time – leaving London with only 11 days to come up with a viable alternative.

European leaders will meet on April 10, two days before Britain prepares to come out of Europe without reaching an agreement.

May's plan was rejected by 58 votes in a vote that took place on the day the UK was due to leave the European Union, before benefiting from an extension.

The path to Brexit remains uncertain after the failure of the deal – France warning that its rejection increases "very strongly" the chances of an exit without agreement on April 12.

The UK urgently needs an alternative plan in the coming days. If not, and this becomes the most likely outcome, we will see the UK leave the European Union without an agreement. "

The European Commission and the EU's chief negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier, echoed warnings that the UK was on the right track for a tough Brexit.

A spokesman for the commission said that it was not in London to "show the way forward" before April 12, for consideration by the European Council, adding that the EU was fully prepared to a Brexit without agreement and would remain united.

Following the rejection of her agreement, May told Parliament that she "was reaching the limits of this process," adding that the consequences of their decision would be "serious".

In the meantime, thousands of people angry at the way the government handled the Brexit process organized a March to Leave protest in front of Westminister.

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