Even low levels of physical activity during leisure time decrease the risk of death


Even low-intensity physical activity, such as walking or gardening, is badociated with a risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer or other lesser causes, according to a large-scale observational study published online on the Internet. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Higher levels of activity or more vigorous activities, such as running, cycling and competitive sports, are badociated with additional health benefits, which are not offset by the risks badociated with participation in these activities, explain the authors.

Each year, a representative sample of the US population is asked about their health and lifestyle behaviors in national health interview surveys. The authors used data collected from surveys from 1997 to 2008 to estimate the activity levels of 88,140 people aged 40 to 85, and linked these data to deaths recorded until the age of 40. as of December 31, 2011.

They calculated participants' total physical activity in their hobbies using the definitions in the 2008 US guidelines, which equates to about a minute of vigorous activity, such as running, fast cycling, or sports. competition, equals two minutes of moderate intensity activity, such as brisk walking, gardening or dancing. Only activities of a duration of at least 10 continuous minutes have been taken into account.

Compared with inactive individuals, individuals who engaged in moderate physical activity for 10 to 59 min / week were 18% less likely to die, regardless of their background, during the study period, and the benefits for Health continued to increase, activity levels rose.

The 2008 US guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, in increments of at least 10 minutes, and those who participated at 150-299 min / week reduced their overall risk of 31% death. Those who accumulated ten times that amount – 1,500 minutes or more per week – almost reduced their risk (divided by 46%).

Reducing the risk of death from cancer also corresponds to an increase in the level of activity.

In terms of risk of death from cardiovascular events such as stroke and heart attacks, people who worked 10 to 59 minutes a week during their leisure time saw their risk decrease by 12% and those who were active between 120 and 299 min / week 37%, compared to inactive people.

However, much higher levels of physical activity are not badociated with any greater benefit; the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was reduced by 33% for those working at least 1,500 minutes per week per week – so their risk of death was slightly higher than that of those who achieved the recommended levels of activity but who undertook more moderate quantities.

It is an observational study that, as such, does not establish the cause and also relies on the activity levels reported by the participants. However, the authors point out that the study also has many strengths, including a large representative sample of the US population, and that their findings support US recommendations regarding activity levels.

The study also showed that individuals who participated in intense physical activity had a much lower risk of death than those who exercised only light / moderate physical activity. The authors therefore recommend, like the American guidelines, those in a hurry to consider more vigorous activities.

Achieving the highest levels of badessed physical activity – 1500 min or more / week "is hard to reach for an adult who works," they admit. "Participation in a vigorous intensity activity is more effective in time than a moderate intensity activity," say the authors.

"High intensity physical activity can be an attractive option for non-disabled people with limited duration."


External peer-reviewed? Yes

Type of evidence: observational; Survey data

Topics: People

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