Ever Alex Alexakis Group Leader Reveals Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis


Alexakis told fans his health in a long letter

Ever Alex Alexakis Group leader revealed that he has multiple sclerosis.

Alexakis co-founded the long-standing Portland group in 1991, and is the only permanent member. He also plans to go out and tour his first solo album, "Sun Songs," due out this summer.

The singer / songwriter has now publicly announced his diagnosis of MS. In a letter to fans that was posted on the Everclear website, he revealed that he had been diagnosed for the first time, shortly after being involved in a car accident three years ago. Believing that he had a pinched neck nerve as a result of the accident, Alexakis underwent several tests at the hospital before a neurologist "told me I had a form of multiple sclerosis and that I had been between 10 and 20 years.

"The words multiple sclerosis evoke all kinds of images: helplessness, wheelchairs, pain, misery and, worse yet, despair – and pity in the eyes of my family and friends (you can see the picture ), wrote Alexakis. "I remember later that night, my wife Vanessa holding my face in her hands and saying," We had this, "without the slightest pity or fear. I knew then that I was not going to live this alone. My wife has a lot of things – all good, but one thing she is not, they are fake, something we have in common. We do not do fake in our family. My wife is a bad bad, and she reminded me at that time, me too. "

"It has been almost three years since this diagnosis was made and MS has become another part of my life," he continued. "I did incredible things at that time: four full tours with Everclear, in addition to more than 250 concerts around the world, and I'm still going. I spent precious time with my family and friends. we bought a house that we love last year and I learned what the word gratitude really means.

"That said, I can feel the disease slowly evolve in me. I now have to give myself injections three times a week. My neurologist says that as long as I take the drug, I should live in the 80 years without progression. We will see."

Alexakis also stated that he wished to make his diagnosis public because he had heard "many people say that I am still drinking or that I am taking drugs because they have seen me look unstable on stage or in town (people say all kinds of things). bad things when they do not think you can hear them) ".

"To be honest, I have never cared what people say about me personally – except, that is, people who matter to me (that is to say .. YOU and what they think, "he said. "I wanted you to know the truth, as simple as that.

"So, if you see me stumble … in a sweat, looking both tired and worried, maybe a little more confused than usual, or forgetting some happy lyrics (which is odd for me), know that I did not fall out of the wagon. I am learning to be the new me. "

Everclear's latest album, Black Is The New Black, was released in 2015.

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