Evidence of a virus reservoir prevalent in Africa / ScienceDaily


Researchers have identified the Ebola Bombali virus in an Angolan bats caught in the Taita Hills in southeastern Kenya. No Ebolavirus has been reported in wildlife in countries along the east coast of Africa. There is currently no evidence of Ebola virus infection in Bombali.

Until recently, five species of ebolavirus were known, and three of them – Ebolaviruses from Bundibugyo, Sudan and Zaire – were badociated with major human epidemics. The latter is responsible for the devastating epidemic of 2013-2016 in West Africa and the ongoing epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

However, ebolavirus reservoirs remained enigmatic, although bats were involved and demonstrated as a reservoir of related Marburg virus. Last year, a sixth species of ebolavirus, Bombali virus, has been found in saliva and faeces of bats in Sierra Leone.

Professor Olli Vapalahti, of the University of Helsinki, Finland, and Professor Omu Anzala, of the University of Nairobi, Kenya, are leading a research project focused on the development of a preparation to emerging threats from infectious diseases, and researchers have identified Ebola Virus Bombali in a free-tailed Angolan bat (species: Mops condylurus) caught in the Taita Hills, southeastern Kenya. No Ebolavirus has been reported in wildlife in Kenya or in other countries of the east coast of Africa.

The researchers recovered large amounts of Ebola Virus Bombali in bat tissues, including its complete genome, confirming that a productive infection occurs in this species. The bat also had anti-virus antibodies.

There is no current evidence that Bombali Professor Vapalahti points out that the virus infects people: "Evidence against apparent human infection has been obtained by screening for febrile patients presenting in clinics in the Taita hills who have been in contact with bald people. -mouse. Bombali virus infection or previous exposure have been discovered ".

"However, vigilance and ongoing surveillance are important to understanding this viral infection and the risks it can pose to people, and further research is underway," notes the principal investigator, the environmentalist of the disease, Dr. Kristian Forbes, of the University of Arkansas, USA.

The discovery improves understanding of the diversity and geography of Ebolavirus

Given the large distance between identification sites in Sierra Leone and Kenya (approximately 5,500 km) and that the bat species involved should not travel long distances, Bombali the virus is likely to be transmitted throughout its range in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Although recently found, it is obvious that Bombali The virus, as well as other Ebola virus, has existed since ancient times.

Paul Webala, a bat expert biologist from Maasai Mara University, points out that bats, although sometimes carrying viruses, are essential components of the world's ecosystems that fulfill their functions. such as pest control, seed dispersal and plant pollination, as well as their conservation. is of vital importance.

"In fact, previous attempts at eviction and slaughter in response to possible outbreaks have turned against us and could even expose humans to potential risks of transmission," says Dr. Webala.

Tarja Sironen, University of Helsinki, concludes: "This discovery enhances our understanding of the diversity and geography of ebolavirus viruses and highlights the role that insect bats species can play, in addition to bats, for maintaining the nature of viruses. "

The bat samples were collected at the Taita Research Station of the University of Helsinki and processed in Level 3 biosafety laboratories of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Helsinki. The positive samples were transferred to a Level 4 biosafety laboratory of the Swedish Public Health Agency for further investigation.

The study will be published in the journal Emerging infectious diseases, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA.

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