Executives demand NDC affiliation


Executives demand NDC affiliation

The cadres of the cadres and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) require that they be affiliated to the party.

According to the Movement, this would help to motivate the disillusioned cadres and therefore seated on the fence, to engage fully in promoting the party and its ideals.

In a statement issued after a conference of delegates in Koforidua, in the East region, the cadres also demanded justice for the National Mobilization Program (NPM) executives. , the Division of Non Formal Education (NFED) and other agencies in which executives were stationed. vested but unpaid rights to the valuable services they have rendered to the country.

"We will work to develop programs and initiatives to secure democratic party funding to ensure that a narrow funding base does not unjustly empower wealthy members and does not distort democracy." within the party, "he said.

The Movement is also committed to promoting the culture and practice of regular payment of contributions to ensure active mbad participation in the smooth running of the party without fear or favor.

Below is the communiqué issued by the Cadres and NDC activists, signed by Antwi-Bosiako Sekyere, the coordinator.

Officers of the National Democratic Congress;
After meeting at the Capital View Hotel, Koforidua, on the theme: Tracing the spirit of probity and responsibility – The role of executives, After reviewing the national situation, including the tendency to the decline in the economy, with the deterioration of exchange rates, rising costs real income decreasing, badociated with rising unemployment.

Having deliberated extensively on the National Democratic Revolution to date and engaged a vanguard role in the National National Revolution for the Achievement of Social Justice, grbadroots participatory democracy, political accountability and solving social problems; giving voice to the vulnerable and excluded in our society;

After having critically examined the historical role of cadres in the establishment of the National Democratic Congress, based on the principles of social justice, participatory democracy, collective collective approaches to social problem solving, probity and of responsibility;

Undertaking to strengthen the militancy of the cadres in order to protect the national democratic revolution as well as the progressive social democratic roots and traditions of the Party;

Hereby, commit yourself as follows:
1. We will work to sensitize our members to the national democratic revolution, the principles of social democracy, the history of the Party and its commitment to social justice, probity and responsibility.

2. We will strive to establish dynamic, functional, community-responsive and relevant Party branches as the foundation of our party organization and the central point around which all party activities should be articulated.

3. We will work to develop programs and projects to develop the next generation of party cadres through seminars, workshops and public meetings to deepen their practices and social leadership.

4. We will work to support youth groups in our communities, on a clear national democratic platform, into a critical force within the party.

5. The Management Movement must become an affiliate of the party. This will encourage disillusioned executives, and therefore sitting on the fence, to engage fully in promoting the party and its ideals.

6. We will seek justice for the executives of the National Mobilization Program (NMP), the Non-Formal Education Division (NFED) and other agencies in which cadres have served, as well as their acquired rights but not paid for the valuable services rendered to the country.

7. We will work toward the development of programs and initiatives to secure democratic party funding to ensure that a narrow funding base does not unfairly strengthen the power of wealthy members and does not distort not the internal democracy within the party. We will encourage the culture and practice of regular dues payments to ensure active mbad participation in the smooth running of the party without fear or favor. 8. We will work to develop programs to combat youth unemployment, which pose an existential threat to the social fabric and security of the country. This problem must be solved without delay or additional reservation. We will help the party develop a policy of creating decent jobs for unemployed, eager and reluctant unemployed youth.

We call on the office of the founder and chair of the elders council, the party leader and flag bearer, and the functional executive committee of the party to participate in this release.

Antwi-Bosiako Sekyere
Coordinator, Executives and Activists NDC

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