Experts denounce US decision to sell arms to Taiwan, considered interference in China's affairs


11, (Xinhua / GNA) – The US State Department has recently approved a plan to
sell weapons worth about 2.22 billion US dollars to Taiwan attracted worldwide
attention, some experts claiming that the American movement is immisce in the
internal affairs and seriously violates the principle of one China.

It remains a
handy tool for cold warriors not rebuilt to keep tensions alive
between the United States and China, said William Jones, Washington office
head of the US publication Executive Intelligence Review.

At this point,
one could also suspect that the moves are part of an agenda of the
the tough neo-conservatives of the US administration to take the opposite
the recent relatively successful meeting between the two presidents in Osaka
and keep the relationship as icy as possible, Jones added.

Last year,
there was a so-called normalization of US military-technical cooperation with
Taiwan, when the United States began to systematically approve such transactions,
ignoring China's protests, said Vasily Kashin, head of the department of
International military-political and military-economic problems of the national
Research University – Higher School of Economics.

the exacerbation of the Taiwan issue can seriously undermine the stability of the
region, added Kashin.

US arms sales
in Taiwan on the domestic affairs of China, seriously violate the principle of a China
principle that the United States has repeatedly baderted, and break the foundation
rules of law and international relations, said Ronnie Lins, director of
China-Brazil Center for Research and Business.

Taiwan is a
inseparable part of China, and if the United States plays sneaky tricks on the
The Taiwan issue is doomed to fail, said Lins.

The new mbadif
The sale of arms to Taiwan "is a move that could clearly raise tensions"
in Asia, said Hasim Turker, senior researcher of the Ankara-based think tank
Bosphorus Center for Asian Studies.

China has
made it clear that the question of Taiwan related to its fundamental interests and, despite
That fact, the Trump administration has crossed the finish line here, Turker said.

American arms
Sales in Taiwan are once again a serious provocation against China, said Ling
Xingguang, professor emeritus at the Fukui Prefectural University in Japan,
adding that the American movement will seriously affect China-United States. relationships, and that
China and peace lovers around the world should make their voices heard
heard and protest against the American movement.


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