Experts record a black hole


Experts record a black hole

BRUSSELS. Wednesday afternoon, experts expect the launch of the first shot of a black hole. The Horizon Telescope Network team wants to announce a "revolutionary result" at six (3pm) press conferences around the world.

The network aims to make the first direct recording of the phenomenon in the world.

Until now, the existence of black holes could only be detected by detours. Black holes are places of extremes. The mbad is so compressed in them that nothing escapes their extremely high attraction – even the light does not do it. Black holes are virtually invisible. However, they betray themselves about the question they swallow. It is extremely hot, then shines brightly, which allows to observe the telescopes.

Two years ago, Event Horizon astronomers focused their network of telescopes on two black holes, one in the center of the Milky Way. Since then, they have evaluated the data.

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