Experts Support Commercialization of Vodafone 5G Network with Huawei as Lead Supplier – Xinhua


MADRID, June 16 (Xinhua) – British telecommunications giant Vodafone's deployment of 5G technology in Spain, in cooperation with Chinese telecommunications company Huawei, has secured the support of industry experts and insiders , saying that this technology would revolutionize our way of life.

Huawei is the leading provider of deployment that has seen 5G become a reality in 15 Spanish cities starting Saturday, making Spain one of the first European countries to have the fastest mobile phone network in Europe.

"5G means immediate, high speed and low latency (the time that elapses between sending and receiving information)," explained Fernando Tricas, badistant professor in the computer department and Systems Engineering of the University of Zaragoza. is one of the cities where 5G is now available.

"The 5G and its immediacy will be vital, for example, for a doctor practicing a remote operation, it will be as if you were there and you are in charge," he added.

Luis Furnells, executive chairman of the Spanish technology group "Oesia", said: "We are entering a new era in which everything, people, objects and other objects – will be connected anywhere and at any time."

"This new situation will bring digital technology providers to open up new mobility services, which will mean a big change and significant progress for society," he said.

Alicia Asin, co-founder and CEO of Libelium, a Spanish company specializing in smart city technology, told Xinhua that 5G has three main advantages over 4G.

"It's faster, the network density is greater to allow better connectivity in cities, where there will be more devices, and thirdly, the latency is shorter," she said. declared.

Asin explained that low latency will make real-time operations possible, enabling remote operations and other virtual reality applications.

About Vodafone's cooperation with Huawei, Tricas said that it "exists very few network providers at the forefront and that Huawei is one of them" .

This idea is shared by Daniel Sarasa, head of Smart Cities program in the local authorities of Zaragoza, who said that Huawei has "an excellent position in the infrastructure market in Spain".

"There is a lot of protectionism in the measures adopted by the United States against Huawei, because Huawei is on their heels," said Sarasa, adding that "many telecom operators are still working with Huawei, which speaks volumes. . "

With the launch of 5G commercial mobile services, Vodafone became the first operator to make 5G services available to Spanish customers.

Tricas said he was expecting the technology to be "no longer available in about a year".

"At the present time, there are only four or five companies – all high-end – that have 5G-compatible smartphones on the market, which means that few people can buy them because they are dear, "he said.

According to Sarasa, in Zaragoza, the first areas where 5G technology is available are the streets of the business district "where we expect intensive users or" early users ".

According to experts, more and more phones will be available in the near future, as customers become aware of the considerable technological advancement that is available to them now.

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