Extra-late analysis may reduce need for caesareans, study finds | Life and style


Research suggests that thousands of emergency caesareans could be prevented each year in the UK by scanning women late in their pregnancy.

According to a study published in the journal PLOS Medicine, a routine ultrasound at 36 weeks would help detect babies in a seated position, which could lead to complications during labor.

Midwives are currently checking the baby's position by feeling the bump of the mother, but the researchers said that an additional badysis could save the NHS money and reduce the risk of problems.

The team, from the University of Cambridge and the University of East Anglia (UEA), performed ultrasounds at 36 weeks in 3,879 British women with their first child.

They discovered panties presentations in 179 women (4.6%), when a baby is lying down on the floor or feet down. In more than half of these cases (55%), a presentation by headquarters was not previously suspected.

Dr. Ed Wilson, EBU Health Economics Group, said: "We estimate that routine UK testing could prevent approximately 15,000 undiagnosed siege presentations, more than 4,000 caesarian sections emergency and between seven and eight baby deaths per year.

"We also looked at the costs of the additional badyzes and found that if the badyzes could be done at less than £ 12.90 each, this could be a saving for the NHS.

"If ultrasound screening could be provided at such a low cost, for example by integrating it into a standard midwifery appointment, consistently offering ultrasounds could well represent a good use of NHS resources. "

The diagnosis of the presentation of the seat at 36 weeks allows a woman to try to rotate the baby before work, said the researchers. The procedure, called the external cephalic version, involves an obstetrician exerting pressure on the mother's abdomen.

Women can also schedule a cesarean if they prefer.

Professor Gordon Smith, of the University of Cambridge, and the chief investigator said, "We believe that the study highlights an opportunity to identify women at risk increased complicated delivery.

"It seems likely that screening for short-term headquarters presentation can be introduced cost-effectively, which should be taken into account by the NHS and other health systems."

Hospitals in England offer all women at least two ultrasounds during their pregnancy, between 8 and 14 weeks and between 18 and 21 weeks. Some women are offered more according to the health of their baby.

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