Face Recognition: Flying Cars Arrive for NSW


The Sydneysiders could soon pay for their journey with facial recognition technology and use drones or flying cars to cart, eat and shop, said New South Wales' Minister of Transport. .

In a speech to the Sydney Institute on Tuesday night, Andrew Constance said he wanted people "not to think about their trip".

NSW residents have already adopted credit cards or electronic devices to use public transport to make trips easier and faster, he said.

Mr. Constance is convinced that, in the not too distant future, commuters will be able to use "frictionless transportation payments" similar to Amazon's "Just Walk Out" technology.

This allows customers to scan their phones at the door of a store, take the products they want, exit the store and be automatically billed.

"In the transportation sector, we will use facial recognition technology to digitize customers who have registered and linked their Opal account," Constance said.

"No more gates of doors – just a smooth trip."

The Minister of Transport reiterated his vision of a similar subscription service to Netflix, in which commuters subscribe monthly at a low rate, with integrated pricing for different modes of transport public and private.

The proposal "may seem like a chimera" but is almost a reality in London through a company called Citymapper, said Constance.

"I do not think it's unrealistic to see the same type of service being introduced here in Sydney in the near future."

Face recognition, as well as advanced data badysis and sensor technology, will also be used to determine the health and well-being of people on board vehicles, perhaps even if they are not doing well and need urgent medical attention, said Mr. Constance.

"The verification of digital identity will eventually be integrated with biometric recognition," he said.

"This will read a person's face, retina, breath, gait, or voice to allow higher level authorization and access." Think about true contactless payments – access to buildings , planes, banks and hotels. "

Mr. Constance also predicted the use of drones or flying cars to transport "people and objects" – mainly consumer goods.

These could include "your dinner, your new shoes or a pharmacist's prescription," he said.

The Minister of Transport acknowledged that the concepts he had mentioned could seem "extravagant, futuristic, science fiction."

"But the reality is that they are already here and are happening now, with the rest at their fingertips." Ten years ago, that was dreaming. "Today is our reality." said Constance.

It was impossible to imagine what the next 20 years could bring to the transportation sector, but the minister said it was making life easier through its ever-changing, evolving innovation engine. constant".

Australian Associated Press

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