Facebook changes the terms to show that it generates money from data: EU


Facebook has amended the terms of its terms of service to make it clear to users that it generates revenue using their data, the European Commission said on Tuesday.

The social media giant has changed its terms and conditions to better inform users of what they are signing up for, the commission said. The new wording will clearly explain how Facebook uses the data collected from users to develop profiling activities and target advertising to "finance" the company, he said.

The company made the changes after discussions with the Commission and the European consumer protection authorities. European regulators stepped up control of Facebook's terms of use after the Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal, in which data on 87 million Facebook users were reportedly collected incorrectly. They also want companies in the technology sector to align their terms with European consumer law.

If Facebook wants to restore consumer confidence after the scandal, it "should not hide behind complex legal jargon about how it generates billions of data," said European Commissioner for Consumer Affairs Vera Jourova, in a statement. communicated.

"Now users will clearly understand that their data is being used by the social network to sell targeted ads."

These changes are part of global efforts to control social media companies in the face of concerns about privacy breaches, harmful content and other online abuses.

Facebook said that it did not change the substance of its terms, but improved its description.

The changes will come into effect around the world, another sign of how the more stringent European rules for technology companies are being felt globally.

"We've done a lot of work this year to better explain how Facebook works, what data we collect, and how we use it, and as part of these ongoing efforts, we will update our terms of use how Facebook is gaining traction." Money, "the company said in a statement.

The new terms explain that Facebook is free for users in exchange for sharing their data and their exposure to ads.

Other changes include the services described by Facebook that Facebook sells to third parties based on user data and allows users to know how they can close their accounts and why their accounts may be disabled.

Facebook is expected to make all the changes by the end of June. If this is not the case, the commission stated that it could use implementing measures, including unspecified sanctions.

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