Failure to comply with allegations that PNC Secretary General has been suspended – Regional Presidents


The regional presidents of the National People’s Convention (PNC) have urged the public to ignore allegations of suspension of the party’s general secretary, Janet Asana Nabla.

They say the move is part of an attempt by National President Moses Dani Baah and leader David Apasera to cover up some shady deals within the party.

“It is known that the Worker General Secretary has repeatedly complained about how the leader and the president embezzled party funds to the tune of GH 1.7 million ₵ in the 2020 elections.

“Just recently, after the PNC’s 29th anniversary celebration to raise funds to pay the rent of party offices, an amount of GH 150,000.00 ₵ was received and deposited into the party account,” they said. in a press release.

The decision was made following an emergency National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held at GNAT Hall on Saturday August 28.

The Secretary General had been cited for some disciplinary questions and summoned to the Disciplinary Commission (CD) for deliberation.

Ms Nabla had been reported to have snubbed the DC, but the August 29 press release believes otherwise.

“There are formal communications (letters) between the Secretary General and DC on resolving some challenges before it arises, only for us to hear about the alleged NEC meeting to discuss the DC report. Isn’t this a witch hunt and a blatant disregard for the principle of a fair trial? “

The statement, signed by 12 senior PNC officials, also stated that “there was no PNC NEC meeting on August 28, 2021 since said NEC meeting failed to form a quorum in accordance with the Article 45 (3) of the PNC. constitution where nine (9) of the sixteen (16) regional presidents of the party must be present.

The regional president called on the national president and chief to resign their posts within a week or “face the consequences of a properly constituted NEC rather than trying to cover their shame for their inability to constitute an appropriate CEN meeting; thus discrediting the name of the party.

“Despite having blown the party’s 150,000.00 GHC, they have failed to realize their sinister motive,” he added.

The new response was signed by the council of Elder Edward N. Mahama, Founding Member Aremyawu Ali and General Secretary Janet Asana.

Regional presidents include Bala Maikankan Greater Accra Reg. President; Wanye M. Joseph Savanna – Regional President; Mahamudu Musah Ahafo Regional President Mr. Regional President of Kwesi Amoah Northwest; James B. Sam – Regional President of the Center; Alhaji Baba Mohammed – Upper East Regional President; Northern Regional President of Alhaji Yahaya Tahiru; Alhaji Imoro Yakub Regional President of the East and Bakure Malone in the Regional President of the North-East

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