Families of the Sudanese Revolution Affected by Grief Demand Justice


Al-Rimela – In the midst of sand mounds covered with manuscripts
signs naming the dead, Khadom kisses the grave of his son, one of the most
more than 200 people killed in the unrest that has lasted for several months in Sudan.

It was an April morning when a freshly shaved Al-Moez
drank his tea before going to the modest home office he shared
with his parents in Al-Rimela, in the south of Khartoum.

His office was in the same building as the one based in Qatar
Al-Jazeera news channel and near a long-standing protest camp outside the army
headquarters in central Khartoum. "The building was under surveillance by the
Almighty National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) ", Khadom
told AFP.

Shortly after arriving at work, a colleague
started taking pictures with his mobile phone from a window in their office. From nowhere, a bullet pierced the window and
It is housed in the heart of Al-Moez which stood nearby. 45 years old
dead on the spot.

Like dozens of others who have lost a son, an uncle or
brother, the family paid a high price for the Sudan revolution that overthrew
its long-time autocratic leader, Omar al-Bashir, in April.

And now, the family of Al-Moez wants justice done.

His parents called an official
investigation and for his killer to pay the "eye for an eye" penalty.

But Khadom says that there is little chance that this will happen
will be tried or the NISS will be found guilty.

The anti-regime protests that erupted for the first time on
December 19, after the tripling of the price of bread, cost more than
more than 200 protesters, according to doctors close to the protest movement.

Meetings were held in front of the houses
"martyrs", whose portraits were painted on walls
the capital.

Outside a dilapidated building in the center
Khartoum, two little boys, Ahmed and Asir, are often seen waving small Sudanese
flags at motorists.

"Blood for blood, we do not want
compensation! "they sing if the security forces pbaded in their vans.

Their uncle, Ali, 25, was hit by a bullet in the
on June 3, the day, armed men in military uniforms brutally dispersed the
sit-in in front of the army headquarters in place since April 6.

More than 100 lives were lost that day and
more than 500 people were injured, according to doctors.

"My brother died a martyr, we are proud and I am
also prepared to die for the revolution, "said Yussef, 35, while tears flowed
in his eyes.

"The blood has not been poured in vain"

Eman, 24, also lost a brother during the mbadacre of
the sit-in, which the protesters had initially launched to ask Bashir
ouster and later call the generals to transfer power to a civilian

A student in England, Mattar was back to visit the
family and had just celebrated his 26th birthday when he decided to spend a
night with the protesters at the sit-in.

"They killed him ruthlessly," said
Eman, whose fate has sparked a solidarity campaign on social networks
under the hashtag #blueformattar.

"Mattar gave his life Now things in Sudan
must change. "

Last Friday, crowds of jubilant Sudanese
went down the streets to celebrate a historic agreement between the leaders of the protesters and
generals in power to turn the page on seven months of political unrest.

The leaders of the demonstration said they had agreed to a
transition period of three years and three months, the first 21 months being chaired
by a military candidate, and the last 18 months by a civilian.

The demonstrators welcomed the breakthrough with songs
of "blood of martyrs was not poured in vain" and "civil"
rule, civil rule ".

But Yussef, at the center of the demonstrations of the
departure, he said that he would continue to protest because nothing of importance would come
of the Sudanese army.

"We still have a long way to go for a new
Sudan … We must continue the struggle for future generations, "he said.
peeking at his sister's boys, Ahmed and Asir.

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