Families 'should have meals around the table' to stop children getting fat


FFriends who do not have dinner on the table, their risk of children getting fat, the country's "nanny in chief" has warned.

Prof. Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, urged parents to have improved meals and boost brainpower.

They were more likely to develop their problems than they were to indulge in "mindless" eating in front of TV and computer screens.

And she suggests that conversations around the dinner table are also crucial for children's intellectual development.

It follows a series of studies linking high levels of screen time to a greater risk of obesity.

Dull satiety levels – leaving to "pbadive overconsumption" of meals and snacks.

Sally told a debate in London: "When people are using screens or watching television, their calorie intake goes up… Because you do not concentrate on food, the social interaction is fairly mindless and the feeling of satiation is not recognised as easily. "

"We would like to see you at home and eat together at a very young age.

"Proper meal times with healthy food are going to help our children effectively and efficiently help our waistlines," she said.

Others at the event, hosted by the Reform think tank, suggests Britain should be trying to emulate France, in its eating habits.

Hugo Fry, managing director of pharmaceutical giant Sanofi said: "One of the reasons that drives the UK up the obesity charts is the way we eat – the environment we do it in.

"We are mbadive TV eaters, grab-and-go eaters," he said. "At the other end of the chart … sit down as a family at every single meal – breakfast lunch and dinner," he said.

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