Family history of mental disorders related to the risk of autism spectrum disorders


A history of mental and neurological disorders in first- to fourth-degree family members is badociated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to the results of the study published in JAMA Network open now.

The cohort studied included 567,436 indexed individuals, 51.3% of whom were men. The average age of all participants at the end of follow-up was 14.3 years. The prevalence of ASD with intellectual disability (TSA-ID, n = 2566) and without ID (TSA-ID No, n = 8354) was 0.4% and 1.5%, respectively.

The higher likelihood of ASD in indexed individuals was related to a family history of mental and neurological disorders. Of the participants, 6,895 (63.1%) of those with TSA (TSA-ID) had a parent with a history of mental and / or neurological disorders, compared to 252,454 (45.4%) without TSA (TSA ID No.). Specifically, the family history of ASD was badociated with higher probabilities of ASD in NPs. The odds ratio (OR) for having first-degree relatives with ASD-No ID was 4.1 for IPs with ASD-ID and 9.0 for IPs with ASD-No. To have first-degree relatives with ASD-ID, the ORs were 14.2 for IPs with ASD-ID and 3.8 for IPs with ASD-No.

Other mental disorders diagnosed in family members who had high OR were ID (ASD-ID, 7.6 vs ASD-No ID, 2.3), Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ASD-ID, 3.3 vs ASD-No ID, 4.7), schizophrenia and other non-affective psychotic disorders (ASD-ID, 2.1 vs. ASD-No ID, 1.8), depression (ASD-ID, 1.4 vs. ASD-No ID, 2.0), Bipolar Disorder (ASD-ID, 1.4 vs. ASD-No ID, 2.2), and Personality Disorder (ASD-ID, 2.1 vs. ASD-No ID, 2.6); high OR neurologic disorders included cerebral palsy (ASD-ID, 2.2 vs. ASD-No ID, 1.5) and epilepsy (ASD-ID, 2.0 vs. ASD-No ID, 1, 3).

The more closely a family member was affected, the greater the likelihood of a diagnosis of ASD for PE. Although the patient has a history of non-IDS, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder / hyperactivity disorder, other childhood disorders or anxiety disorders in parents with fourth-degree, it was significantly badociated with higher probabilities of TDA-ID in PIs, but general health disorders, while TSA-IDs had a stronger familial badociation with some neurological diagnoses.

The probabilities of non-identification of ASD in PIs increased 1.5, 1.3 and 1.3 times when a first-degree relative suffered from cerebral palsy, epilepsy or migraine, respectively. The badociation has been diminished with a decreasing degree of kinship between IP and its relatives.

Researchers have not adapted to comorbidity and family history and have not been able to obtain data on all disorders that may present a familiar risk.

"This study suggests that family history of mental and neurological disorders are badociated with an autism risk and that the family component of the etiology of autism may differ due to the presence or absence of autism. Absence of a concomitant intellectual disability, "concluded the researchers.

Disclosures: Several authors have reported disclosures. Please refer to the reference for a complete list of the authors' revelations.


Xie S, Karlsson H, Dalman C, et al. Family history of mental and neurological disorders and risk of autism. JAMA Netw Open. 2019; 2 (3): 190154.

This article originally appeared in Psychiatry Advisor

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