Faster than Android: Huawei Announces Ark OS Brand


60% faster than Android?

Because the

Android Apps with the new the operating system Ark would be 60% faster than its competing product Googlereports the trade portal "Chip". With yours the operating system and also as a result of the trade conflict increased the production of its own computer chips Kirin could Huawei soon become a lot more independent of US providers like Google. Microsoft and ARM, writes "Morning of South China".

Although there is always all alternatives to Apple iOS and Google Android doomed to failure. The advantage of the companies of Silicon Valley is too important, especially with regard to the number of applications. These are the corresponding plans of the world's largest smartphone maker Samsung meanwhile disappeared into the drawer again. as well Microsoft abandoned claim in 2017, with Windows Phone push a mobile operating system to the market.

Resume and improve Western ideas

The question is: can Huawei Develop developers around the world to develop hundreds of thousands of applications running on Ark? After all:

China has repeatedly proved in the past that he could take back the ideas of the West to be able to improve – in order to put pressure on his western ancestors at a later stage.

So far, this has been done under pressure from the "Big Firewall of China", Surveillance and censorship of the Internet by the authorities, which blocked many Western services. But now they are USA even own their own businesses for 800 million internet users in China threaten to get out of the race.

Anyway, it is clear that with Ark, the division of the technology sector will intensify. Because while the Huawei operating system in China With the support of the state, it will be much more difficult abroad, according to a comment from the Japanese portal Nikkei. But if Ark really were to become a third global player in the smartphone operating system market, he could Donald Trumps The attack of society in the end proves to be a colossal goal.

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