Fasting and Intermittent Carbohydrate Diet: All You Need to Know


Fasting and Intermittent Carbohydrate Diet: All You Need to Know

The weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. It simply means that whatever your level of difficulty, you will not see the results you want if you do not change your diet as well. A low carbohydrate diet is ideal if you want to lose weight and stay healthy. To further accelerate your weight loss, you can try intermittent fasting.


About intermittent fasting

It is a diet that alternates fasting cycle and non-fasting over a period of time. Intermittent fasting badociated with a low carbohydrate diet effectively accelerates fat burning while reducing insulin levels in the body. When insulin levels drop, the amount of fat stored in the body also decreases, as insulin acts as a fat-storing hormone.

Intermittent fasting has many options for adapting to different lifestyles. You can choose to start with a 16-hour fast and increase your fasting duration over time. When you fast for 16 hours, you only have an 8-hour meal window.

Most people who have tried this form of fasting perceive that they no longer feel as hungry as before. At the end of the day, they eat a lot less and lose weight. Fasting is also useful for increasing the body's metabolism through its cleansing properties.

Benefits of intermittent fasting

As noted above, intermittent fasting is ideal for weight loss. It was also found that a single 24-hour fast could increase HGH levels by more than 1,000%. HGH is essential for building muscle, which means that you will gain more muscle if you fast. High levels of HGH are also badociated with thickening of the skin. This may explain why people who practice this form of fasting enjoy a beautiful and supple skin.

Many studies have also shown that fasting promotes the production of stem cells. These cells replace the worn cells of the body and the higher your stem cell production, the younger you look.

Why take low carb foods

Intermittent fasting has many health benefits, but it has one major disadvantage: unstable sugars. People who consume a lot of carbohydrates have unstable sugars and their effects range from lack of energy to cravings that can cause binge eating. Unstable sugars can also be dangerous for people with certain conditions.

When you follow a low carb diet, your body starts using fat as a source of energy. This means that if you want to lose weight, your efforts will be more fruitful if you combine fasting and a low carbohydrate diet.


Fasting and a low carb diet are a perfect match. These two people have helped many people achieve their weight loss goals and maintain their ideal weight without counting calories. Change your diet today and consider fasting at least once a week if you want to lose weight and maintain your overall health. This is one of the fastest ways to get rid of that stubborn weight that you are trying to lose for ages.

Author's biography: Jessica Smith

Jessica is a pbadionate reader who loves to get lost in the book world. True to her pbadion for fitness, she believes that a healthy diet is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

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