Faye Brooks could not get angry with Gareth Gates after Corrie's storm


Faye Brooks confided that she was not mad at her fiancé Gareth Gates after explaining the game about Coronation Street's biggest year-long screenplay so far.

Some viewers were livid with the singer and claimed that he had an "insider knowledge" after his tribute on Instagram to Rana Habeeb.

He congratulated actress Bhavna Limbachia, lover to the screen of Faye, when her character lost her life after the collapse of the Underworld factory roof.

But the 34-year-old's words were uttered before the broadcast of "The Episode of Death" – leaving furious followers after the spoiler.

Now, the couple talked to May's OK! The magazine on the fallout of its social media has slipped and the actress said that she had not read him the riot act.

The couple is fine! cover stars

"It was an innocent mistake and he was feeling really bad," she said. "I know the fans were upset, but he was proud of me and wanted to share that with his fans.

"Most viewers knew that Rana was going to die, so he did not reveal the end, I was not angry with him, or ITV."

Gareth said: "It was a complete accident." We were having a drink when it aired and I lost track of time and I thought it had already happened to the screen, I felt very bad! "

Gareth let the cat out of the bag before Corrie's roof collapsed

Her future husband did not have much praise, but Faye did it for her dramatic performance.

"Rana's death was the most difficult thing I ever had to film and I found myself emotionally in the ground," she said.

Faye did some work – and now wears the letter "G" tattooed on the ribs.

"It represents Gareth," she says. "I've always wanted to have her initials somewhere on my body, that means we're together forever!

"I decided to take it on my ribs because it's the place closest to my heart." Gareth was with me when I did it, he held my hand because it was extremely painful "

Gareth and Faye are "stronger than ever"

She says only 30 guests will be at their wedding

They have a wedding to plan next year after their separation in 2018, they are back and even better than before, she insists.

"We have lived so much together and we have come out stronger than ever," she said.

"We are a team and the day of our wedding is the next chapter of our lives.We will definitely get married somewhere warm somewhere.We like the idea that it is very intimate, so we let's just invite 30 people.

"The wedding is going to be the biggest day of our life, so I'm going to go big with my dress and all the other details of the day, I'll get married only once and I want it to be huge."

Read the full story in OK this week! Magazine – released today

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