Feeling exhausted is now an official medical diagnosis – BGR


Do you feel completely exhausted? I'm not talking about the basic exhausted feeling we all experience from time to time, I mean really, really exhausted? Most of us badume that the feeling of "overwork" is just one of the many pleasures of modern life, where work, family, friends and other responsibilities juggle, but a new report from the World Organization of health suggests that it is something more.

A new update of the International Clbadification of Diseases now indicates that burnout is a true medical condition that can be diagnosed. It is an intense tension and feelings of exhaustion, but there are important differences between traditional stress and what is officially called burnout.

Burnout is considered distinct from anxiety disorders and mood. The World Health Organization has defined it with the help of a set of very specific criteria:

Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic stress at work that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions:

1) Feelings of exhaustion or exhaustion of energy.

2) Increased mental distance from work, or feelings of negativism or job-related cynicism.

3) Low professional efficiency.

Burnout refers specifically to the phenomena of the work context and should not be used to describe experiences in other areas of life.

In simple terms, everyone suffers from work stress and burnout, but what sets burnout apart from everyday stress is its impact on a person's ability to do their job or their attitudes toward of his daily professional routine.

It is important to note that a formal medical diagnosis does not necessarily mean that there is something new to do or should be done against a person in a state of burnout. There is no medicine you can swallow that can magically solve the problem, and it is likely that doctors' advice on how to deal with burnout will probably follow the same trends as it always has. summer, including advice on time management and stress at work is not reflected in personal life.

Nevertheless, if you feel completely exhausted by your work and can not bear the idea of ​​getting up on Monday morning, there is now an official name for this feeling.

Image Source: Cultura / Shutterstock

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