Fewer People Try to Lose Weight as Obesity Rises – The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): The Daily News of Korea


Despite greater awareness of health issues, more and more people are becoming obese and fewer people are trying to lose weight.

According to the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week, the rate of obesity in a study involving 230,000 adults was 31.8% in 2018, up 3.2% from the year before.

A body mbad index of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and 30 or more obese.

Although obesity, which can cause various chronic diseases such as diabetes, is a growing concern, obesity has increased by 10% over the past decade. Too much eating and lack of exercise from an early age seem to be the main factors.

Yet fewer people are trying to manage their weight. The proportion of people who followed a diet to lose weight last year was 58.9%, compared to 62.8% in 2017. Those who said check nutritional information before buying food processed also fell from 27.2% to 25.6%.

Smoking, which has generally been declining since the start of the study in 2008, at around 26%, stagnated at 21.7% last year.

The proportion of people who tried to quit rose from 27.2% in 2017 to 22.8% in 2018. The main reason seems to be the increasing consumption of electronic cigarettes.

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