Fire Notre-Dame: What did Donald Trump say about the fire Notre-Dame? | World | New


The world watched in horror as one of Europe's most beloved buildings went up in smoke on Monday. Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris was engulfed by huge flames that tore its roof and caused the collapse of its iconic spire. World leaders have shown solidarity with France in response to the terrible fire.

While the flames were still raging around the sacred structure, the US president Donald Trump tweeted: "So horrible to see the huge fire of Notre Dame Cathedral.

"Maybe flying tankers could be used to extinguish it. Must act fast! "

French authorities have confirmed that the fire was under control this morning, but the extent of damage to Notre Dame has not yet been established.

Mr. Trump also responded to the fire at a roundtable in Burnsville, Minnesota.

He stated that there was "no cathedral in the world comparable to that of Notre Dame" and described the fire as "terrible scene".

Mr. Trump said, "This is one of the greatest treasures in the world, made by some of the world's greatest artists.

"Probably if you think about it, I would say it could be bigger than any museum in the world and it burns very hard, it seems to be burning.

"So that puts a damper on what we are about to say to be honest, because it's beyond the country."

He added, "I think it's part of our growth, our culture.

"It's a part of our lives. It's a very big cathedral. I went there and saw it. There is no cathedral. I think I can say that. There is no cathedral so similar to the world.

"It's a terrible scene."

Other world leaders react to the fire

French President Emmanuel Macron said: "Our Lady is our story, our imagination, where we have lived all our great moments, and is the epicenter of our lives."

Macron continued: "This is the story of our books, our paintings.

"It's the cathedral for all French people, even if they've never been, but it burns and I know this sadness is going to be felt by all our citizens."

A fundraising campaign launched by Mr. Macron to pay for repairs at Notre Dame has already raised hundreds of millions of euros.

Prime Minister Theresa May sent her greetings to the French capital after her walking holiday with her husband in Wales, where she spends the start of the parliamentary holidays.

She said, "My thoughts are with the French tonight and with the emergency services fighting the terrible fire at Notre Dame Cathedral."

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