Fire safety exercise at CalBank headquarters


Company News of Friday, July 12, 2019

Source: CalBank Ghana


Calbank Stuff Bank staff responded to the exercise with enthusiasm and acted as it had been trained

CalBank today held a fire safety drill at its headquarters in Ridge, Accra, in badociation with the Ghana Fire Department. The exercise was conducted as part of the Bank's Business Continuity Program and in compliance with international regulatory and security requirements as well as standards for fire preparedness and evacuation mechanisms.

During the exercise, artificial smoke was created, hydraulic ladders were released by the fire services to evacuate staff from the upper floors. Firefighters at the bank managed to evacuate the team members to the fire marshalling point and a staff was formed.

Bank staff reacted enthusiastically to the exercise and acted as they had been trained in the unlikely event of a fire. Fire Services congratulated CalBank staff for its prompt response and cooperation during the exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to ensure that CalBank's staff is continuously prepared to respond to emergency situations and to organize practical sessions in the event of a crisis.

According to Mr. Frank B. Adu Jnr., Managing Director of CalBank, "CalBank staff have undertaken a major fire drill and we are satisfied with the level of preparedness, alertness and responsiveness in the unlikely event of a fire. fire at the CalBank tower. . The Bank will continue to train and perform periodic simulations to implement its business continuity program in accordance with statutory and international procedures. "

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