Fire Service Recruits Not Licensed – GNFS


General News on Tuesday, April 9, 2019



Gnfs New File Photo: Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS)

The National Fire Service of Ghana (GNFS) has denied reports that more than 1,000 service recruits have been fired.

On Monday, April 8, the news of the Service's hiring of recruits made headlines on several news portals.

The recruits reportedly received a directive from Fire Chief Edwin Ekow Blankson asking them to return home, although they were to undergo the final phase of their training.

But in a statement signed by GNFS public relations officer Robinson Okoe Doii on Monday, April 8, the service noted that recruits were only invited to return home after their internship to be recalled. at a later date.

"The recruits in question were not fired, but were invited to return home after the end of their hangover period and would be called back for training once their training completed," the statement said. .

According to the GNFS, the 2018/2019 recruits have been divided into four groups and the recruits in question constitute the fourth batch of the 2018/2019 recruitment exercise in progress.

The statement further explained that they had undergone a one-week orientation exercise at the Fire Academy and Training School (FATS), after which they had gone to different fire stations. before their final training.

The Service therefore stated that the more than 1,000 recruits would be recalled in September of this year.

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