First case of monkeypox virus in Singapore



The first case of monkeypox appeared in Singapore. It is said that a Nigerian arrived with this disease and came into contact with this rare virus by eating bushmeat during a wedding.

It should be noted that non-domestic mammal meat, reptiles, amphibians and birds eaten as food in tropical forests called bushmeet.

Monkeypox, which has taken an epidemic form in parts of central and western Africa, presents with symptoms of trauma, fever, muscle aches and chills. Usually, this disease is not life-threatening, but in rare cases it can also be fatal.

The city's health ministry said in a statement that the person who introduced the virus had arrived in Singapore on April 28.

The ministry said that symptoms had been observed in a 38-year-old man for two days and that he is now isolated in a center for fighting infectious diseases in a stable state. The ministry said, "Even though the risk of spread is low, the Ministry of Health is still taking precautionary measures."

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