First image of a black hole «


There are things in the universe that are very difficult to grasp with the human spirit. That is why John Archibald Wheeler invented the term "black hole" at an expert meeting, but this phenomenon has not been seen yet, there is than computer simulations and the time has come for the first time. The Horizon Telescope Network team wants to announce a "groundbreaking result" at six press conferences around the world. The network is about to make the first phenomenon in the world.

Until now, the existence of black holes could only be detected by detours. What is it? Black holes are places of extremes. They are at the center of almost all galaxies. When enough matter is compacted in the smallest of spaces, huge gravitational forces are created that absorb everything in the universe: matter particles as well as light. It is almost "swallowed" in, which is why it is so difficult to describe the resulting black hole.

However, the holes are betrayed on the material that they absorb. It is extremely hot, then shines brightly, which allows to observe the telescopes.

Two years ago, Event Horizon astronomers focused their network of telescopes on two black holes, one in the center of the Milky Way. Since then, they have evaluated the data. The announcement suggests that we could actually take a picture.

Albert Einstein would be surprised, his theory of relativity predicts such objects. He has never seen a black hole. Scientists have been shaking their heads since the 18th century in the face of these phenomena. The naturalist John Mitchell called them "black stars" in 1783. The mathematicians then began to describe in more detail the objects: Stephen Hawking was part of the researchers and recognized, from quantum considerations, that the black holes emitted,

The only black hole (Sagittarius A) is located about 26 500 light-years from Earth and has a mbad of 4.1 million solar mbades. The second "model" is Messier 87 and is located in the constellation Virgo. It is even 55 million light years away.


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