First lady inaugurates an exhibition of Chinese art


Ghana's First Lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, has unveiled the 2019 edition of the Silk Road Art and Language Exhibition.

The exhibition showcases Chinese art and culture, introduces foreign arts and promotes international cultural exchange.

Ancient and modern Chinese art works and written languages ​​were exhibited inside the famous Confucius Institute of the University of Ghana (UG) on Saturday, April 6, 2019.

The exhibition is organized by Greenhouse International Development Ghana Limited, a Chinese group, and aims in particular to promote cultural exchanges between Ghanaians and Chinese, as well as to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of the arts and crafts. of the Chinese language.

A delegation of Chinese artists from the Chinese Behavioral Law Society directed the paintings and drawings at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

Charity activities organized by Chinese people also coincided with the exhibition.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ms. Akufo-Addo thanked the Chinese company of Ghana for this "magnificent and magnificent art exhibition".

The First Lady spoke of her remarkable impression of Chinese artistic works during her visit to China with her husband in September 2018.

She traced the history of art in Ghana back to ancient times by telling how she has evolved over the years.

The First Lady appealed that in the modern world, each country cherish its cultural heritage and learn from the cultures of others.

In July 1960, Ghana and China formally established diplomatic relations.

Since then, according to Ghana's ambbadador to China, Edward Boateng, the Sino-Ghanaian relationship has remained solid and mutually beneficial.

The Chinese ambbadador to Ghana, Shi Ting Wang, said in a statement that "Chinese painting has been a concrete embodiment of Chinese cultural tradition for thousands of years and reflects Chinese understanding of nature, of society and the philosophy of artists. "

According to him, "the painting enjoys not only a long history, but also a unique style. Different from Western painting, Chinese painting seeks meaning behind paintings rather than the form itself. "

He noted that there were mainly three categories in Chinese painting, namely landscape painting, painting of characters and painting of flowers and birds.

The ambbadador explained that "they reflect the relationships between men and the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, which complement each other and constitute the universe as a whole".

Along the ancient Silk Road, he said, the skills and spirit of Chinese art have spread, merged and developed with d & # 39; other civilizations.

He added that "in the new era, with the increasingly frequent exchanges between China, Ghana and the world, between the belt and the road, traditional Chinese culture is not only the basis of artistic creation, but also the platform of cultural exchanges between China and the rest of China. the world.

– Daily guide

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