Fishers outraged by the color and poor quality of premixed fuel


General News of Wednesday, April 10, 2019



FISHING FILE PHOTO Fishermen worry about the color change and the lack of oil in the premixed fuel

Some fishermen from Elmina, in the central region, are asking explanations to the National Petroleum Authority and the government about why the color and quality of the mixed fuel have changed lately.

According to the fishermen, the current quality of the premixed fuel sold to them is poor because it destroys their outboard motors, a situation that makes their lives unbearable.

Fishermen are also asking the NPA to explain why they should buy pre-mixed fuel at an exorbitant price, contrary to what was agreed.

Maanoma Quayson, spokesman for the fishermen, said at a press conference Tuesday that the color of the premixed fuel was no longer safe for their activity and that the sooner it turned blue again, the color of the Oil is better. it will be for the industry.

"On February 21, the President made many statements about the fishing industry in Parliament. After the declaration, our situation got worse; the color of the premixed fuel has since changed from blue to a color we do not know. Moreso, there is no oil in it, "he said.

Maanoma Quayson explains that the color shift and the lack of oil in the premixed fuel affect their operations and require government responses.

"The new premix fuel destroys our outboard engines. We do not know who the idea is that the premix is ​​changed this way, "he questioned.

Fishermen have also raised problems with the increase in the price of fuel without their knowledge.

"These days, we can scarcely get premixed fuel for our businesses and the little we get is sold at a high price. We want the NPA to tell us why we have to pay 5 gallons when in fact we get 4 gallons, "said Quayson on behalf of the fishermen.

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